Best Hospitals for General Surgery in Singapore Share & Compare Reviews, Ratings, Feedbacks

Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose the best doctors in Singapore?

Singapore has both local and expatriate doctors practicing in various hospitals and clinics. The local medical practitioners have mostly completed their diplomas from the National University of Singapore and they have some international experience. All the doctors in Singapore have to get approval from the Singapore Medical Council before they start practicing. General physicians and doctors working in either hospital or a clinic are available all 7 days of the week, usually until 12 pm. As Singapore is a small island, you can easily locate any good doctor. Any public or private facility near your locality. In both of them, you can get excellent quality of care under highly skilled doctors. However, if you are looking at the cost factor then public facilities are recommended. You can also just undergo web research by typing ‘List of doctors in Singapore’ or ‘Best rated doctors in Singapore’. If you don't know any general practitioners or dentists in Singapore, the internet is a quick and easy way to find one and schedule an appointment. You will be able to find a doctor based on your budget, location in Singapore, availability, and the medical speciality required. If you prefer to speak with your general practitioner in your original language, you should visit the website of your country's embassy and check for a list of recommended doctors. Visiting a doctor in person versus consulting one via telemedicine is usually not that different, neither for the patient nor for the doctor. After all, a major portion of diagnoses made by general practitioners are based primarily on the patient's history and account of the symptoms they report during their visit. A skilled doctor can typically evaluate the severity of a problem merely by seeing it visually and audibly. In Singapore, there are a few distinct telemedicine services, and their services all differ somewhat from one another. As with doctors working in clinics and hospitals, you'll need to conduct some research to choose which is ideal for you.

Which are some of the most common types of doctors patients seek out in Singapore?

Singapore offers one of the world's greatest healthcare systems, with highly skilled doctors who have studied and worked in the country or overseas, as well as world-class medical facilities. Patients seek out doctors that are best suited to treat their medical conditions. Some of the most common types of doctors patients seek out in Singapore are listed below:

  • Orthopedic
  • Urologist
  • Cosmetic surgeon
  • Transplant specialists
  • Cardiologist/ Cardiac surgeon
  • Oncologists
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Neurosurgeon
  • Bariatric surgeon
  • Dentist

Which are the most popular treatments availed in Singapore?

Singapore’s healthcare system is famous worldwide. The country offers not one but many treatments of excellent quality. Medical travelers prefer to visit Singapore for availing medical treatments. Some of the most popular treatments available in Singapore are:

  • Singapore has some of the best orthopedic services in the world.
  • In Singaporean hospitals, hip and knee replacements, spinal fusion, and hip resurfacing are all performed on-demand, with average prosthesis durability of more than 30 years, which is 5 years longer than the national average.
  • Singapore is also a leader in cardiac operations, with the National University Hospital being acknowledged as one of the world's most creative cardiac medical centers. In Singapore, heart bypass operations and valve replacements are extremely well-performed, with a very narrow margin of error.
  • Finally, Singapore is one of the most capable cancer treatment countries in the world, both in its own region and globally. The National Cancer Center focuses nearly entirely on the study, research, and treatment of various malignancies. Chemotherapy, radiography, and immunotherapy are among the most effective cancer treatments available in Singapore.

Some other treatments that Singapore offers and excels in are listed below:

  • Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Dental Services (surgeries, dental implants, etc)
  • Bariatric Surgeries
  • Eye / Ophthalmology (LASIK, Cataract surgeries, etc)
  • Pediatrics
  • Non-surgical Rejuvenation (botox, microdermabrasion, etc)

What are the standards of healthcare offered by hospitals and clinics in Singapore?

Singapore's public and private healthcare systems are both governed by government regulations. Singaporeans have universal healthcare, which means that the public health system is supported by the government and that health insurance is mandatory. Patients can easily access care in public facilities; however, public healthcare is not free. The Singapore Government's Ministry of Health oversees healthcare in Singapore and the Singapore healthcare system. It primarily comprises a government-run, publicly funded universal health care system offered through programmes such as Medisave, Medishield Life, and Medifund, with a strong private healthcare sector. Furthermore, healthcare costs are financed by a combination of direct government subsidies, mandatory comprehensive savings, national healthcare insurance, and cost-sharing. By international standards, Singapore has an efficient and broad healthcare system. Singapore scored sixth in the World Health Organization's evaluation of the world's health systems in 2000. In 2014, Bloomberg named Singapore's healthcare system the most efficient in the world. Singapore was ranked first among 166 countries in terms of healthcare outcomes by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Singapore provides a variety of hospitals and health facilities, as well as community hospitals, which serve as an intermediate form of treatment for those who do not require the services of a general hospital but are unable to cope at home.

Singapore's public hospitals are more autonomous than government-run institutions in other countries, which encourages competition in the public market and, as a result, a better patient experience, as public facilities maintain costs low and service quality high. This also motivates private hospitals and clinics to provide excellent care. In Singapore, there are seven general hospitals, one women's and children's hospital, two community hospitals, and one psychiatric hospital. These facilities provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency care, and patients can visit separate speciality clinics for services such as dermatology or dentistry. While the Singapore government has done an excellent job of ensuring that public hospitals in the city have sophisticated medical equipment to execute cutting-edge surgeries for their patients, the very best in such technology can be found in Singapore's private hospitals. Private hospitals simply have more money to invest in new or updated equipment.

What is the level of expertise that is offered by doctors and surgeons in Singapore?

Singapore's public hospital personnel are widely regarded as well skilled and capable of providing the best level of medical care available elsewhere in the world. Nonetheless, patients will discover that some doctors in the public system are new to medicine. Many doctors in public hospitals acquire most or all of their training in Singapore as well. Doctors in private hospitals, on the other hand, are typically more experienced. Once a doctor in Singapore has gained sufficient knowledge and experience, they are likely to be drawn to the private sector due to the greater monetary incentives available. Therefore, private hospitals may have doctors and surgeons with more years of experience and expertise. In the end, the choice falls on the shoulder of a patient to find and select the doctor most suitable for them.

Why is Singapore a preferred medical destination?

Doctors at Singapore's private hospitals often acquire more of their training abroad. This essentially means that they have attended the best medical schools in the world and have a stronger grasp of other languages. In addition to private hospital doctors who are more likely to speak foreign languages, hospital workers, in general, are more adapted to communicating with non-Singaporeans as compared to public hospitals. Singapore boasts 21 JCI approved hospitals, and because the country is made up of a single island and city, all of these premium and world-class medical facilities are adjacent to one another. This allows for an increasingly diverse collection of medical treatments to be offered in a relatively limited area, making the country an ideal medical tourism destination in terms of lodging and housing alternatives, as there will always be a state-of-the-art hospital nearby no matter where you stay. Mount Elizabeth Hospital, National University Hospital, Raffles Hospital, and the National Cancer Center are among Singapore's most well-known and decorated hospitals. As previously said, Singapore excels in practically all medical sectors; nonetheless, there are a number of treatments that are part of the country's medical brand and thus attract the greatest number of medical tourists.