Best Hospitals in Mumbai, India Share & Compare Reviews, Ratings, Feedbacks

Reviews of Seven Hills Hospital in Mumbai, India

Seven Hills Hospital

Mumbai, India
0.5 Rating | 1 Review(s)

Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose the best doctors in Mumbai?

Health providers are trained for years before they start actively practicing on patients in the clinical setting. Good healthcare usually reflects the skills and expertise of the doctor. The meaning of "best" is relative and constantly changes from individual to individual. One can find that the best health care providers are those who specialize in treating their illness and can help them heal better. Finding a certified doctor is important for some people while others go for a doctor trained in a particular speciality. Patients must cumulatively consider all factors before deciding on the right doctor. Choosing a family doctor is a popular practice for many patients because they can take care of the overall general health and guide the patient to a specialist in case the need arises. Finding a doctor near the place you live is the easiest way to find the best doctor. For patients traveling between states or abroad, it is easiest to read online reviews and ratings of doctors and medical facilities before receiving treatment.

The search for the right doctor can be made easier by following these simple steps:

  • Find a Doctor Near You : Searching for the best doctor always starts near you. Patients look for a doctor in their area. The reduced travel time facilitates contact points and greatly simplifies the entire treatment process.
  • Clinical expertise to meet specific health needs : Knowing the illness you are dealing with can help you curate a list of healthcare providers easily. Internal medicine and general medicine are the most popular specialized fields that patients look for in the clinical setting. Pediatricians can act as primary caregivers for the children of the family. With all these factors in mind, patients can find a doctor that suits best to their requirements.
  • Recommendations can work wonders : Booking a visit with a doctor recommended by a friend, family member, or neighbor will help you to mark the trust of your acquaintance. Ask to find a suitable doctor around your friends and acquaintances. If you already have a family doctor, they may be able to refer you to a specialist.
  • Ask practical questions : When is the best time to see a doctor? Is the clinic near or far from your home? Is your choice of healthcare provider ready to provide all the resources needed for treatment? Asking these practical questions can help you choose the best doctor.

Who are some of the best rated doctors in Mumbai?

High ratings are usually given to physicians who are good at treatment, patient management, and hold years of medical experience. Healthcare consumers want the peace of mind that doctors or surgeons who are conducting their medical examination excel in their skills. The most important aspect of treatment is the correct diagnosis of the disease. The attention, skill and knowledge of the doctor are essential to provide the best treatment for the patient. Patients usually look for a combination of all these factors when rating a doctor as "best." Here are some of the best doctors in Mumbai:

Which are some of the most common types of doctors patients seek out in Mumbai?

When patients start looking for a doctor, their main search is to find someone who is competent and knowledgeable in the field. In addition, patients pay more attention to details provided by the online reviews and ratings. The doctors and surgeons in Mumbai have experience in treating a variety of illnesses and providing comfort to patients. They add value to medical care in the city. In Mumbai, patients seek out the following types of doctors on a regular basis:

  • Cardiologist and Cardiac Surgeon
  • Cosmetic And Plastic Surgeon
  • Dermatologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Ent Surgeon
  • Gastroenterologist
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecologist
  • Haematologist
  • Hepatologist
  • IVF & Infertility expert
  • Nephrologist
  • Neurologist and Neurosurgeon
  • Obesity Or Bariatric Surgeon
  • Oncologist And Oncosurgeon
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Orthopedist
  • Pediatric Cardiologist
  • Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgeon
  • Pulmonologist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Spine Surgeon
  • Transplant Surgeon
  • Urologist
  • Vascular Surgeon

Which are the most popular treatments availed in Mumbai?

Mumbai is a big city with an established healthcare sector. The city is popular for many medical treatments available in both private and public facilities. However, people tend to choose private facilities over public hospitals and clinics for better care. The private sector is well equipped and has certified physicians to ensure that quality care is provided to all patients. Most hospitals and clinics in Mumbai have modern infrastructure, making the city one of the fastest growing healthcare centers in the country. Mumbai is a great attraction for many medical tourists from around the world as it offers treatments for almost every ailment at affordable prices. The following are the most popular treatments in Mumbai:

  • Cardiac treatment
  • Radiology testing
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology & Cosmetology
  • Diabetes & Endocrinology
  • Liver Disease treatment
  • Emergency Medicine
  • General Surgery
  • General Oncology
  • Haematology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Paediatrics & Neonatology
  • Pain Medicine
  • Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  • Psychiatry & Psychology
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Rheumatology

What are the standards of healthcare offered by hospitals and clinics in Mumbai?

According to a World Bank survey, Mumbai's existing medical infrastructure facility is used by about 13 million people. Mumbai's medical infrastructure is provided by the owners of the Mumbai Municipal Public Corporation (MCGM), the Maharashtra State Government, public foundations and private hospitals. MCGM leads the primary, secondary and tertiary levels through health centers, pharmacies and postnatal centers. No Indian city can match the surge in medical facilities like Mumbai. Mumbai has a network of 16 regional general hospitals, 5 maternity hospitals, 26 specialty hospitals, 162 regional pharmacies and 168 health centers. In addition, the state government has a medical college hospital, three general hospitals, and two health centers. These hospitals offer services to poor patients for free or for a very small fee, but many prefer private facilities. Currently, Mumbai’s public hospitals can serve 20,000 patients whereas private clinics can treat 22,000 patients daily and this number is ever changing and growing.

What is the level of expertise which is offered by doctors and surgeons in Mumbai?

The doctors and surgeons in Mumbai are well trained in their respective fields. Most physicians have years of clinical experience, hands-on training, and a wealth of academic background to add to their expertise. Both highly experienced and educated doctors can be easily found in the city. The cost of seeing a doctor depends on the level of experience and expertise they hold. It is up to the patient to find the right specialist for them. In summary, it is the patient's needs, background, and preferences that determine the level of physician's expertise ideal for them.