Best Hospitals in Samsun, Turkey Share & Compare Reviews, Ratings, Feedbacks

Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose the best doctors in Samsun?

You will receive good quality care in Samsun for medical treatment or surgery. In the city, there are a lot of doctors with excellent skills. Most Samsun inhabitants seek medical advice from a general practitioner. On the other side, medical tourists prefer to visit specialists for consultations and to receive specialised care. If you have health insurance, you'll be given a list of doctors and hospitals from which to choose. Many hospitals in Samsun have English-speaking/multilingual staff, making it easy for foreign tourists to receive quality care. You might contact consulates or ask friends and neighbours if they know of any English-speaking doctors in the region. Before being admitted to a hospital for treatment, patients who have a social security number must enrol with their doctor and see him or her at least once. You have the option of changing physicians after six months if you don't like your current physician. There are many factors to consider, and you may need to ask a lot of questions in order to choose the ideal doctor for you. Here are a few questions that you must ask yourself before choosing the best doctor for you:

  • What all doctors are listed under your health insurance?
  • What is the accreditation status of the healthcare facility you are planning to visit?
  • How far is the doctor’s office?
  • Is the doctor available in case of an emergency?
  • Whether or not you like the personality of your doctor?

Unless there is an emergency, it is customary in Samsun to seek referrals from a general practitioner before contacting a specialist. It's best to schedule a specialist visit at least a week in advance. To make an appointment in Samsun, you can utilise the Internet. A doctor's prescription is required for all MRI scans, ultrasounds, and lab tests. The most crucial consideration is whether or not you trust your healthcare provider. It takes time and effort to find the best doctor for you.

Which are some of the most common types of doctors patients seek out in Samsun?

Doctors can help patients live a healthy life and treat deadly diseases. Patients seek for good doctor patient interactions as it helps them create a strong foundation and build a relationship of mutual respect and trust. Communication is the key. A patient must be able to communicate freeky with the doctor. Samsun has plenty of amazing doctors who are trained in modern treatment using cutting edge technologies. The city provides medical treatment to patients form multiple overseas locations as well. The doctors charge feasible consultation charges, with excellent quality treatment facilities. Some doctors speak multiple languages. However, many hospitals also provide interpreters for the benefit of their patients. Patients in Samsun frequently seek out the following sorts of doctors:

  • Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) specialist
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgeon
  • Dermatologist
  • Ear, Nose & Throat specialist
  • General Surgeon
  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  • Orthopedist
  • Allergy and Immunology specialist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Radiation Oncologist
  • Radiologist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Urologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Hepatologist
  • Haematologist
  • Intensive Care specialist
  • Nephrologist
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Pediatric Surgeon
  • Perinatologist
  • Physical Therapist and Rehabilitation specialist

Which are the most popular treatments availed in Samsun?

Samsun offers many treatment options to the pateints both residing within the city and for ones who travel across borders. The doctors practicing in the hospitals and clinics of Samsun have gone through extensive training to provide excellent treatment in a variety of specialities. The physicians also perform physical examinations to aid in the early detection of major diseases and the early start of preventative treatment. The healthcare system in Samsun is well-known as a popular medical tourism destination for international visitors. The following are some of the most popular treatments in Samsun:

  • Aesthetic, Plastic surgery
  • Face, arm, and uterus transplants
  • Dental implants
  • Cancer treatment
  • Cardiac health
  • Major cosmetic surgeries
  • Laser eye LASIK treatments
  • Organ transplants
  • Dental and eye care
  • In-vitro fertilization applications
  • Hair transplant

What are the standards of healthcare offered by hospitals and clinics in Samsun?

The city of samsun has both public and private healthcare facilities. Patients are required to have a healthcare insurance of some kind while visiting for treatments in the city. The Turkish government implemented Genel Salk Sigortas (GSS), a universal healthcare system, in Samsun to give a spectrum of medical services to all residents, as well as all children, independent of their parent's socioeconomic status. If you travel to a public hospital in Samsun after registering with GSS, you can get free care in the following scenarios:

  • Childbirth
  • Emergencies
  • Extraordinary occurrences (e.g. injuries from war or a natural disaster)
  • Treatment for infertility (if you're under 39 years old)
  • Viruses and other infectious disorders
  • Cosmetic surgery that is medically necessary
  • Health-prevention services (e.g. drug and alcohol addiction)
  • Accidents and diseases at work

The government of Turkey subsidises healthcare through taxes. If you work in Samsun, your insurance premiums may be covered by your company. Children can use the public healthcare system for free, and if they continue their studies, they can do so even after they turn 18. Samsun’s healthcare is of high quality, with all of the latest medical devices and treatment programmes readily available. Samsun’s doctors are well qualified and have passed a minimal qualification before being allowed to practise. Overall, Samsun’s healthcare infrastructure is solid and well-developed.

What is the level of expertise which is offered by doctors and surgeons in Samsun?

Samsun has a considerable number of doctors who specialise in various fields. Some doctors are bilingual (they can speak in English and Spanish). Turkish is the most widely spoken language in Samsun. Some of the city's doctors have completed their studies and internships in medical schools around the United States and Europe, and are fluent in English and (in some cases) German as a result. Depending on their backgrounds, doctors in Samsun may also speak additional languages, like as Arabic or Azerbaijani. All in all, it is the patient’s preferance and choice. They decide what kind of doctor (how much experience) they want to see.