Best Ent Specialist & Doctors in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Share & Compare Reviews, Ratings, Feedbacks

Reviews of Dr. Renuka Sunil Sundaram - Best ENT Specialist in United Arab Emirates

Dr. Renuka Sunil Sundaram

ENT Specialist
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
10 Years of experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an ENT Specialist?

ENT specialists are trained professionals who treat issues of ears, nose, and throat. They are also trained in dealing with issues of head and neck. ENT experts aren't only medical professionals who help in managing and dealing with a sinus, sleep apnea, or swimmer’s ear.

What are the qualifications of an ENT Specialist?

To become an ENT specialist one must have to complete their MBBS undergraduate degree from an accredited institution or university.

  • They will have to go through a 2-year specialization course after completing 4-year undergraduate courses to gain knowledge about a variety of specializations.
  • There is a five years residency program for all ENT aspirants to gain hands-on experience and training.
  • After going through the complete process, an ENT specialist must pass the exam from their country’s medical board and association to get licensed.

What are the subspecialties of ENT Specialists?

An ENT specialist can further gain subspecialty in any of the following:

  • Allergy: These professionals are trained in treating environmental allergic reactions that may include pollen or dander from pets. The specialist may provide a booster or dose to control it.
  • Reconstructive surgery of the face: The ENT specialists are trained in facelifts and other sorts of reconstructive surgeries. They can also perform nose jobs and fix issues or face deformities that persist from childhood.
  • Head and neck Specialists: These specialists can help deal with and treat tumors of the mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, etc. They have training in operating such issues.
  • Otology and neurotology: These are experts who provide assistance in case of issues with your ears including infections, hearing loss, disorientation, and ringing or buzzing in the ears.
  • Pediatric ENT: Pediatric ENTs are uniquely educated to treat children, and their tools and exam rooms are tailored specifically to make children feel comfortable.
  • Laryngology: They specialize in disorders and accidents of the larynx and vocal cords. They can also assist in the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders.

What conditions do ENT Specialists treat?

An Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist can treat many medical conditions and perform surgery. Some of the problems they can treat include:

  • Ear infections include loss of hearing, balance trouble, or infections.
  • Nose related issues like allergies, growths in the nasal cavity, or sinusitis
  • Throat infections like problems while swallowing, tonsillitis, and change in voice.
  • Sleeping issues due to blockage in the respiratory tract including, sleep apnea, snoring, interrupted breathing, etc.
  • Infections or tumors of the neck or head.

What diagnostic tests are required by an ENT Specialist?

Some of the common diagnostic tests or procedures that can be performed by ENT specialists are as follows:

  • Hearing tests include tympanometry, Evokes potential, pure tone audiometry.
  • Throat and voice-related procedures include biopsies, Barium swallow, Laryngoscopy, Stroboscopy, and Laryngeal electromyography (EMG).
  • Nose and sinus treatments include Sinus computed tomography scans (CT and CAT) and Nasal endoscopy.

When should you visit an ENT Specialist?

An ENT specialist should be visiting in case of chronic problems that are associated with the ear, throat, or nose. In case of any of the following situations you can visit an ENT specialist:

Ear infections: One of the most prevalent reasons for parents to take their children to the doctor is ear infections. Antibiotics are normally prescribed by ENTs, but if the infections persist, surgery may be recommended.

Tonsillitis: It is a tonsillar infection. Doctors usually treat it with antibiotics, but if it doesn't go away, they may recommend that you have your tonsils removed.

Chronic sinusitis: It refers to sinus problems that continue longer than four months. ENTs are trained to help determine the root of the problem and treat it.

Hearing loss: It is a natural part of growing older. However, unexpected hearing loss could indicate something more dangerous. An ENT specialist can find out what's wrong and help with the right treatment plan to improve the condition.

A lump in your throat: A lump in the neck that persists for more than two weeks could be an indication of cancer of the mouth, throat, thyroid, or blood. Malignant cancer frequently travels first to the lymph nodes present in the throat.

Swollen lymph nodes: They can potentially be an indication of a dangerous illness but are frequently caused by minor ailments like strep throat and can be easily managed by an ENT specialist.

Loud snoring: Adults snore frequently, while toddlers rarely do. It may not be a symptom of anything dangerous, but it's wise to check with your pediatrician to see whether an ENT is recommended. It could be a sign of sleep apnea, which can cause facial bone problems or bedwetting.

What can you expect from your first visit with an ENT Specialist?

During the first visit with an ENT specialist, it is common for the doctor to take a comprehensive medical history. It is also recommended to jot down all the symptoms that you are going through. Symptoms help in easy diagnosis and quick detection of the problem that needs the treatment.

  • It is also important to tell the ENT specialist the exact timeline around when the symptoms start.
  • The ENT will undertake a physical and visual examination, depending on the purpose of the appointment. This could entail inspecting your ears, nose, and throat.
  • The otoscope is a piece of unique medical equipment used by ENTs to see into your ears, may be used.
  • The examination can sometimes turn on the gag reflex and lead to gag, vomit, and other such responses. You may also observe palpitations in your neck, throat, cheeks, and other parts of your face and head.
  • Some people feel additional stress, discomfort, or anxiety when their face is touched. It’s better to openly discuss the same with your doctor to avoid such negative emotions from hindering the healing process.

How to choose the best doctors in Abu Dhabi?

In Abu Dhabi, finding a doctor or expert is pretty simple. Abu Dhabi sees a large number of expats throughout the year, the city has outstanding medical specialists on hand to meet their needs. In reality, a patient can find a doctor by contacting the embassies, as they keep records of doctors who speak their language fluently.

  • Finding a specialist in Abu Dhabi : The doctors you choose in Abu Dhabi are mostly determined by your insurance plan. Many companies provide you with a variety of centres and hospitals from which to pick. In Abu Dhabi, unlike many other nations, you do not require a recommendation from your general practitioner before seeing a specialist. In your health insurance network, you can simply find good recommendations to choose from.
  • Searching Female centric care : There are registries in Abu Dhabi where you can look for a doctor who meets your demands. The city's doctors provide state-of-the-art facilities for women's health. Female-only health centres exist, with solely female doctors and other caregivers. As a result, locating a female doctor, if that is what you prefer, is fairly simple.
  • Dentists in Abu Dhabi : Dentists in Abu Dhabi, like other medical professionals, are excellent. The city has a large number of dentists. Many visitors come to the city for dental care since it is both economical and of high quality. Dental treatment is sometimes covered by health insurance, however, this is not a usual practice. It is recommended that you have insurance that includes dental coverage so that you can quickly locate a competent dentist in your neighbourhood.
  • Other options : The websites of the Abu Dhabi Health Department and the Abu Dhabi Health Services Co-Seha allow you to look for doctors in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Which are some of the most common types of doctors patients seek out in Abu Dhabi?

According to various studies and surveys, Abu Dhabi is a city known for producing world-class doctors and surgeons. In Abu Dhabi, there are many excellent doctors who can handle any medical issue with utmost precision and recommend the best quality of treatment. There are many private healthcare clinics in the city that offer better treatment than state-run ones because of their excellent doctors and staff. Some of the most common types of doctors that patients seek out in Abu Dhabi are listed below:

  • Orthopaedist
  • Cardiovascular surgeon
  • Genetic Disorders specialist
  • Radiologist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Plastic Surgeon
  • Pediatric surgeon
  • Urologist
  • Dentist

Which are the most popular treatments availed in Abu Dhabi?

Doctors in Abu Dhabi are well-known for their expertise in a variety of clinical procedures. They are determined to provide their patients with only the best care possible. Before recommending a treatment option, the doctors demonstrate pleasant behaviour and thoroughly understand their patients' problems. An excellent team of doctors and surgeons is enhancing the value of the healthcare system in the city of Abu Dhabi. They have experience treating a wide range of illnesses and providing patients with comfort. Patients in Abu Dhabi frequently seek the following types of doctors:

  • Sports medicine
  • Dermatology
  • Fertility treatment
  • Orthopaedic Procedures
  • Cardiovascular Treatments
  • Genetic Disorders Treatment (especially in children)
  • Radiology
  • Ophthalmic Procedures
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Complex surgeries in paediatrics (e.g. removal of tumours)
  • Surgeries of urinary tract system malformation
  • Dental Surgery

What is the level of expertise which is offered by doctors and surgeons in Abu Dhabi?

Abu Dhabi is well-known for its healthcare facilities. The majority of doctors and surgeons in Abu Dhabi are board-certified, highly skilled, and well-educated. The level of expertise of the doctors in Abu Dhabi may vary. A person may come across a doctor with 20+ years of experience or a doctor with less experience. It all depends on the hospital or clinic they visit and the appointment they receive. All of the doctors are well-educated and highly trained in the city. When in Abu Dhabi, every patient is in capable hands. The patient has the option of selecting a healthcare provider based on their specific needs.