This surgeon persuaded me to do the operation, and as a result he disfigured my breast. The surgeon and the clinic were not held responsible for this. I received severe physical and psychological trauma. Stay away from Prif. Cenk Sen and this clinic, don't believe the ads! They have very beautiful clinic and really good marketing, but bad doctors. Trust my, they don't care about the result and people. The main thing for them is to get your money.
See translationDr. Cenk Sen, MBBS, MS works with Estetik International, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dr. Cenk Sen's office is based out of Istanbul, Turkey.
Here are the various Board Certifications of Dr. Cenk Sen:
The patients have mentioned whether they would recommend the doctor to someone needing treatment. In addition to this, the specialist has been reviewed basis ability to listen, behaviour, the friendliness and how well the professional has been able to deduce the condition, patient’s satisfaction with the treatment and waiting time.