Dr. Shreedhar AS, MD, DM, MBSS is a world renowned Pediatric Neurologist who further specialises in Vagal Nerve Stimulator for Epilepsy, Stroke Treatment, Management of Seizures, Epilepsy Treatment A doctor with outstanding credentials, Dr. Shreedhar AS is known to guarantee efficiency and safety when performing different kinds of procedures as the specialist keeps abreast of latest developments in the medical field of expertise. The specialist holds a very high degree of exposure in the medical field with over 10 years of experience.
Dr. Shreedhar AS is affiliated with Columbia Asia Hospital, Hebbal, Bengaluru, India, Bengaluru, India.
Dr. Shreedhar AS's office is based out of Bengaluru, India.
Let us have a look at the Board Certifications of Dr. Shreedhar AS:
Dr. Shreedhar AS has been reviewed by the patients on communication skills, empathy and compassion, understanding of the specific conditions and diagnosing abilities, the follow up care provided.